Posts Tagged With: in general

dealing with attention from women&…men?

I’m always awkweird after receiving compliments. I’m not the guy who can’t accept them, I just awkweirdly accept them. I’ll blush madly and end up tripping over my feet before I can express my gratitude for the other person’s kind words.

Historically people wouldn’t dish out compliments until after they knew me as friends. Lately people will comment on how I’m dressed; something else, they’ll speak to me flirtatiously and I won’t know what the hell just happened until my co-worker explains it to me 😳

My therapist I see for all matters transitioning asked me if I was ready for this. I brushed it off and thought she was being silly. I guess she wasn’t 😯

The looks& smiles make me uncomfortable at work. An alum from my university came to my work. She touched my sweater and told me how she recently graduated, blah, blah, blah.

She insisted I stay, by explicitly telling me to STAY and help her pick out sunglasses that make her “look cute.”

She later at the checkout, asked if I had text messaging, I said, “NO.”  What the hell was that?

She was cute but I was unnerved by the whole thing.

There is a guy at school who is also touchy and loves to compliment. It’s weird. Hearing these things from either sex – from anyone for that matter is weird for me. Hopefully I get used to it. Or maybe, just maybe, I could grow a big, mountain-man beard and hide in the religion department and blend with the old professors in there who everyone ignores while they’re being academic and beard-y, speaking dead languages. Maybe, we’ll see. I seriously would not mind that whatsoever 😉

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